Welcome to the Light blue... clouds parted artwork
website. In 2021 GOSH Arts commissioned artist
Cherelle Sappleton to create an artwork with and for
staff to mark their extraordinary efforts and
sacrifices during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

On this website, you'll find some key information
about the making of the artwork which sits in the
staff side of the Lagoon.

Dotted about in all directions are component images
that form the main imagery in the artwork. To
navigate all you need to do is scroll up, right, left or
down. To view the images which were donated to
this project, click on the 'Staff Image Contributions'
link below.

Collage patterns created by layering, doubling up and mirroring using photoshop.
The collage image was duplicated multiple times and transformed to create a link like pattern which is visible in the image to the left of this box.
'Light blue...clouds parted'